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Raj Bhoga Sponsor
5 Guests
This sponsorship is available from MONDAY through SATURDAY and Krishna's prasadam will be provided to your family of about 5 guests at 1 PM.

Raj Bhoga Sponsor
15 Guests
This sponsorship is available from MONDAY through SATURDAY and Krishna's prasadam will be provided to your family and friends of about 15 guests at 1 PM.
Day at Gaura Nitai

Day at Gaura Nitai Sponsor
This sponsorship is available ANNUALLY on your occasion day. All offerings to the deities will be made on your name and occasion. It can be birthday, anniversary, in memory of someone, or for any other occasion.

Sunday Feast Sponsor
General Public
This sponsorship is available only for SUNDAY and Krishna's prasadam will be provided in the evening at 7:30 PM to the general public in honor of your occassion.
Sponsorship Inquiry?
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